? Check Below For Links To All The Gear I Talk About!
We're back! Sorry for the delay in getting these episodes out. But we start up again with a big one. Today, we're talking about choosing outboard gear and 500 series gear in your studio. I walk you through what I put in my home studio as well as the reason why I chose the things I chose.
The goal is to show you a mix of some of the best gear on the market from a sound and quality perspective and show you tools for getting the best sound and most bang for the buck out of your space on top of a great easy to use workflow.
This video features great pieces of gear from @FurmanSound, @UniversalAudio, @kemperampsofficial, @blacklionaudio5271, @EmpiricalLabsInc, @APIAudioOfficial, @WarmAudioOfficial, @RupertNeveDesigns, @FlockAudio, Acme Audio, Meris Audio, @transaudio group, Daking, @cranborneaudio, @radialengineering, Great River Electronics, @gracedesignprofessionalaudio and more!
Here's a link to the specific pieces we talk about in the studio for reference:
Furman PL-8C - https://bit.ly/FurmanPL8C
Universal Audio Apollo X8P - https://bit.ly/ApolloX8PInterface
Universal Audio Apollo X8 - https://bit.ly/ApolloX8Interface
Kemper Profiler Rack - https://bit.ly/ProfilerRack
Black Lion Patchbay 8 Rack - https://bit.ly/BlackLionPBR8
Empirical Labs Distressor - https://bit.ly/Distressor
API The Channel (Channel Strip) - https://bit.ly/APIChannelStrip
Warm Audio EQP-WA - https://bit.ly/WarmEQPWA
Grace Audio M905 Monitor Controller - https://bit.ly/M905MonitorController
Black Lion Bluey 1176 Style Compressor - https://bit.ly/BlueyCompressor
Flock Audio Patch 64PT Patchbay - https://bit.ly/FlockPatchBay
Acme Audio Opticom XLA-3 Compressor - https://bit.ly/OpticomXLA3
Rupert Neve Designs 511 Preamp - https://bit.ly/Neve511Pre
Daking MicPre500 - https://bit.ly/MicPre500Daking
Cranborne Audio Camden 500 Series Preamp - https://bit.ly/CamdenPreamp
Black Lion PG-1 Power Conditioner - https://bit.ly/PG1PowerConditioner
Warm Audio WA12-500 - https://bit.ly/WA12500SeriesPre
Meris Hedra 500 Series - https://bit.ly/Hedra500Series
Meris Mercury 7 500 Series - https://bit.ly/3t6AcqI
Meris Ottobit Bitcrusher 500 Series- https://bit.ly/Ottobit500Series
Radial EXTC Effects Interface - https://bit.ly/RadialEXTC
Trident 80B 500 Series EQ - https://bit.ly/Trident80BEQ
Rupert Neve Designs 535 Diode Bridge Compressor - https://bit.ly/535DiodeBridgeCompressor
Great River 32EQ Harrison 500 Series -https://bit.ly/Harrison32EQ