Bully - Rockstar's Neglected Son
Hey guys! So sorry for the wait on this one! I had pretty much everything done and on track to be posted before Christmas, but I got sick just a few days before hand (only the flu thankfully) but it set me back quite a few days as I had to recover and regain my voice.
But it's finally here! A video on one of my favorite games on the PS2, and a long one to boot. Today I'm talking about Bully! Likes, share and comment!
00:00 - Intro
04:08 - Chapter I "Making New Friends and Enemies"
23:25 - Chapter II "Rich Kid Blues"
31:47 - Chapter III "Love Makes the World Go Around"
41:59 - Chapter IV "A Health Mind In a Health Body, and Other Lies"
50:13 - Chapter V "The Fall and Rise of Jimmy Hopkins, Aged 15"
1:02:00 - Closing Thoughts
1:05:12 - Outro
#bully #rockstar #gta #grandtheftauto #videoessay