BUNNY FEET Floor is LAVA!! Family Easter Challenges, making Egg Towers, don’t drop eggs, kids obby!
Adley and Mom -vs- Niko and Dad
LET'S BE FRIENDS -- https://goo.gl/a7ctjJ
HEY EVERYBODY!! Easter is right around the corner! So to get in the Easter spirit me and my family did EASTER CHALLENGES! We did a lot of super fun things! First we played "Egg in a Basket" which is a challenge where you had to get as many eggs as you can in a basket without using your hands!! Niko even brought out his dinosaurs to help us out. Next we played "Funny Bunny Feet Obby" (like from Roblox)! Me and Niko strapped giant bunny feet to us and had to complete a whole obby (obstacle course), it was so hard because we kept sliding all over the place. After that we made EGG TOWERS!! Whoever made the tallest tower won, Dad and Niko think that they made a taller tower, but I know me and Mom made one even taller. After that we played "Egg Delivery" we had to use a spoon in our mouth to carry eggs across the room. Niko kept dropping his egg, luckily it didn't make too much of a mess. Then we designed our own eggs for the "Egg Roll" where we rolled the eggs down the skate park to see whose would go farther. Last, we put a pile of shaving cream on Dad and Nikos heads while me and mom threw marshmallows at their heads to get them to stick! It was SUCH a fun day!
my last video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2q3L0jMym8
my dad's last video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytsoua5AqV8
Bye vlog *pshhhhh*