We hit the ice on 12-10-24 on Flaming Gorge Near Fire Hole for some fast action Burbot fishing. We caught the majority of these fishi on our Super Glow Banana Spoons tipped with sucker meat. At the time of this filming we have been out of Pout Bombs or we would have used them, I will put links below on the products we were using. Flaming Gorge Reservoir has a catch & kill on all Burbot, therefore we harvested all fish.
Last year I purchased the Clam Ice Armor floating set and I have to say these were a game changer for me. I have used the Striker brand for a few years, but i like the Clam Ice Armor better.
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Pout Bombs:
Super Glow Banana Spoons:
BW Sports Bags:
Clam Ice Armor: