BG Video- https://youtu.be/ZVRXu8_WGPo
Based on-https://youtu.be/SIeLPdFgOJQ
Chromatics by Me
0:23-Song Starts
1:33-Sinder disappears
1:44-Charley joins
2:01-Sinder comes back
3:00- The Council disappears
3:11-Everything goes into flames
3:24-The Council comes back
Bold or Brash is a song in the incomplete 2.0 version of Mistful Crimson Morning, a mod of Friday Night Funkin', based on Fight or Flight from Vs. Sonic.Exe. The song later appears in a finished form under the name Darnell Wet Fart in the later mod Hit Single. Bold or Brash appears as a freeplay song in the unfinished Version 2.0 of Mistful Crimson Morning. The player character of the level is Mr. Krabs, and the opponent is Starved Squidward. The song was not finished before the mod's cancellation, and as a result multiple sections of the song are uncharted. A finished version of Bold or Brash named Darnell Wet Fart appears as a song in Hit Single, with Mr. Krabs and Starved Squidward returning as the song's player character and opponent respectively. Like its inspiration Fight or Flight, the level contains a unique "Fear" mechanic where a meter is raised as Starved Squidward hits notes and lowered as the player hits notes, with the player's health being drained at a rate dependent on how full the bar is. If the bar fills completely, the player will instantly lose.
#sinder #fnfcover #hitsingle