In this video, I will be showing you how I use a charcoal disc when burning resins or botanicals for smudging. I use a charcoal disc when burning incense for extended periods of smudging or if I desire lots of smoke. There is no re-lighting of the charcoal as in a smudge stick, just a continuous addition of incense. One disc of charcoal can burn for up to an hour, in this video, I teach you how I choose to burn incense with charcoal. Please use caution and extinguish properly when finished.
Supplies in this video:
Burning dish, I use a large Abalone shell and a 4-inch wooden cobra stand
Tongs, I am using 4-inch tongs
Charcoal discs, coconut husk charcoal also available
Salt, I am using Himalayan
Resin, I am using Copal
Herbal blend, your choice of herbs; I am using Lavender, Palo Santo and Copal Resin
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