Maa Tarini Ho Production Present
Song-Buru Kuti Te 2.0
Producer-Suraj Kumar Chattar
Audio Credits:--
Lyrics & Compose:-Purty Star
Singer:-Purty Star & Nirmala Kisku Soren
Music:-Bunty,Taju, Joseph & Surender
Studio:-Bunty Studio Ranchi
Video Credits:--
Starring:-Rajkumar & Pushpa
Direction & Choreography:-Akhsay Singh
DOP & Edit:- Tom babu (9801722502)
Poster Design:- MKM(Baripada)
Costume Design & Make Up:- Akhsay & Vishal
Dance Group:- Deepa & Dobo group
Special thanks Dr.Jagmohan purty and baijanti purty
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