We finished the last episode with the car finally starting up and running, but it was far from perfect! This time we'll do what we can to improve the tune, troubleshoot problems, and try (again and again) to get this road trip started for real.
Timeline of filming: June 17th, 2021 – June 21st, 2021
Huge thanks to everyone appearing in this video:
Rob (https://www.instagram.com/magic.spoolbus/)
Sean (https://www.instagram.com/sldiscgolf/)
Landlord/Vehicle Services:
Travis @trav1_0
Typeface/Ending Artwork/Consulting:
Courtney ([email protected])
All music created by Josh Woodward (https://www.joshwoodward.com/).
Music licensed under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Tracks have been edited to fit video content (lengthened, shortened, spliced).
Song List (Order of First Appearance):
0:00:01 Aimless [Instrumental] (Addressed to the Stars)
0:02:55 Inertia [Instrumental] (Not Quite Connected)
0:08:34 Can't Take Our Love Away [Instrumental] (Crawford Street)
0:17:29 The Pawnbroker's Stepdaughter [Instrumental] (Crawford Street)
0:23:49 Home Improvement [Instrumental] (Here Today)
0:37:07 Built to Last [Instrumental] (Sandcastles)
0:45:08 Hollow Grove [Instrumental] (The Wake)
0:49:13 Dizzy Spells [Instrumental] (Not Quite Connected)
0:53:52 Swimming in Turpentine [Instrumental] (Ashes)
1:02:47 Knock [Instrumental] (Addressed to the Stars)
1:07:07 Water in the Creek [Instrumental] (The Wake)
1:12:16 Oh Mallory [Instrumental] (The Wake)
1:15:24 The Box (Sandcastles)
1:17:45 I Will Not Let You Let Me Down (The Wake)
0:00:00 Intro
0:00:21 Day 6 (Thursday)
0:23:45 Day 7 (Friday)
0:49:09 Day 8 (Saturday)
0:53:48 Day 9 (Sunday)
Thanks for watching, and joining us on this adventure! Please let us know what you think! Consider supporting us via Patreon as well! https://www.patreon.com/FuzzyDiceProjects
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