今晚我好开心與你哋分享兩首最初由陳松伶演唱嘅歌曲。 我9岁或10岁時就學識咗唱陳松伶嘅歌。 我媽咪係陳松伶嘅超級粉絲。 我記得媽咪喺揸車由吉隆坡到檳城回來時喺車度播放她的專輯。 總行程約700公里。 在旅途中,我至少聽了10次同一張專輯。 我希望你中意呢兩首歌嘅再現
Tonight I take the pleasure of sharing with you two songs originally sung by Nadia 陳松伶. I learnt to sing her songs when I was about 9 or 10 years old. My mother is a big fan of 陳松伶. I remember mommy playing her album in the car when we were driving from Kuala Lumpur to Penang and back after a couple of days. Total journey was about 700 kilometres. I have listened to the same album at least 10 times during the entire journey. I hope you like my rendition of these two songs