Out with the old Honda XR88 and in with the new Yamaha TTR110! Caden finally upgrades to a bigger and more powerful dirt bike! We also started the Turbo Diesel Go-Kart and well I think we might have broke it... Lock in for an exciting upload and we'll see you in the next video!
TikTok: CalebEckenrode
Behind The Scenes Snapchats: CalebEckenrode
Instagram: CalebEckenrode
EBL Lithium Battery For My Pit Bike: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CC1WLT6F?th=1
EBL Lithium Battery For My Go-Kart: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CC1W9Y14?th=1
pit bike
110cc pit bike
dirt bike
dirt bike mods
turbo diesel go-kart
custom go-kart
riding dirt bikes
off-road toys