TOTAL PROFLIGATE DEATH. Kill profligates, behead profligates, roundhouse kick a profligate into the concrete, slam dunk a prolfigate into the trash, crucify filthy profligates.
The ground will drink your blood, the winds will whisper low,
Your name will fade in silence, where no light dares to show,
You’ll die, unknown, forgotten, devoured by the night,
And when the shadows claim you, you'll know the Legion's might.
Death to the Profligates!
The weak who wear the mask of law,
Death to the Profligates!
Their dreams of peace are naught but flawed.
Death to the Profligates!
By Caesar’s hand, we strike them down,
Death to the Profligates!
Their lives are forfeit, they will drown!
You do not die with honor, you die engulfed in fear,
Pathetic, rotten cowards, cedo nulli, taste my spear.
Your death will be a mercy, your soul we'll tear to shreds,
And your wife, your life, your children, burn alive within their beds
Death to the Profligates!
Their Capitol will turn to ash,
Death to the Profligates!
Republic crushed beneath our lash.
Death to the Profligates!
By Caesar’s hand, by Mars’ decree,
Death to the Profligates!
The NCR shall bend the knee.
Death to the Profligates!
Their walls will crumble, cities break,
Death to the Profligates!
They'll know no peace, pain is their fate!
Death to the Profligates!
We'll put their heads upon a pike
Death to the Profligates!
Relentless fury, cut and strike!
Death to the Profligates!
Rip their hearts out, tie the noose
Death to the Profligates!
Send rabid dogs and cut them loose
Death to the profligates!
You worthless, spineless, little rats
Death to the profligates!
We'll cut your legs off, lay you flat
Death to the profligates!
Your shattered teeth will taste our boots
Death to the profligates!
We'll maim and cut and stab and shoot
Death to the Profligates!
Let them know their time has gone,
Death to the Profligates!
The Legion’s wrath is marching on!