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The film company «Chukcha Art» has shot a sequel to the James Bond saga called «However, don't say however»! From the diary of a blonde: «I bought a swimsuit today at the market and in the fitting room a hole was made into the neighboring tent, where some Georgian sells fruit... Strange, why would anyone peep at a Georgian?». If you're not cheerful and glum in the morning, take some advice - turn on #CALAMBUR!
0:00 Calambur Pictures Presents
2:23 Unynts-2, or Streets of Cuckolded chukchas
5:00 Who Is It?
6:27 Bar Calambur
12:19 Fool's Village
LOST EPISODE OF «NOSE DIVE»: https://youtu.be/Nxyuxbj16VA
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21.01.2000. Short version.