Calculus 2 Chapter 4C Honours 2nd Year Bangla Tutorial | Example 4, 5, 7, 8, 10 & 11
Welcome to this bangla tutorial class on calculus 2 chapter 4C for honours 2nd year students. Today we will solve examples 4, 5, 7, 8, 10 and 11 where explained step by step in an easy technique.
This tutorial is specially made for NU (National University) honours mathematics students. Today we will also discuss an important topics such as Euler's theorem of two variables known in bangla as দুই চলকের সমমাত্রিক ফাংশনের ক্ষেত্রে অয়লারের উপপাদ্য. This concept from calculus 2 chapter 4C and also we will explain it in a easy way that makes learning easier for you.
If you are looking for a helpful video class to study calculus 2 chapter 4C for Mathematics honours 2nd year, then this ready video is perfect for you. It covers everything from basic to advanced level, helping you to prepare for your exams with fully confidence.
Lets watch this bangla tutorial to improve your understanding of honours calculus 2, and don't forget to practice the solved for better results.
Also you will find topics: calculus 2 chapter 4c honours 2nd year, nu calculus 2 chapter 4c, calculus 2 chapter 4c bangla tutorial, Euler's theorem, অয়লার উপপাদ্য, honours math, ক্যালকুলাস ২ অধ্যায় ৪, calculus 2 chapter 4c bd bangla tutorial example 4 5 7 8 10 11. Thanks for watching and dont forget like, comment and subscribe.
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📍 Calculus 2 chapter 4 playlist:
intro - 0:00
Basic concept this chapter - 0:16
Example 7 - 1:09
Example 8 - 5:52
Example 4 - 10:35
Example 5 - 15:09
Example 10 - 19:17
Example 11 - 23:38