DL(mp3 link) : https://www.mediafire.com/file/qacmxfrdgdy2qvd/Camellia_-_Nacreous_Snowmelt_for_THX_70k_Twitter_Followers.mp3/file
DL(wav+mp3+png zip) : https://www.mediafire.com/file/0xq6m7xtzf93dhj/Camellia_-_Nacreous_Snowmelt_for_THX_70k_Twitter_Followers_DLzip.zip/file
この「Nacreous Snowmelt」は、一度Twitterで「(70kの時に)どんなジャンルの曲を書いてほしいですか?」とリクエストを募った時、ありとあらゆるジャンルのリクエストが来てしまったのをきっかけに思いついた曲です。
Artcore/D'n'Bに始まり、Future Bass, DrumStep/200StepやGlitch Hop, Psytrance, HardstyleやHardcoreまでを移り変わる、いわゆる「Full Flavor」スタイルの楽曲になっています!
そしてせっかくなので今回はまたYouTube Premiereを使ってみました。
Hi! It's Camellia. I'm always grateful for your help.
In fact, it has already quite exceeded (fortunately), but this time, the number of Twitter followers has exceeded 70,000!
With gratitude and commemoration, I've made a new song as always to give it to everyone!
When I asked you for a request of genre of music for 70k on Twitter, I received a lot of replies and genres.
This “Nacreous Snowmelt” once came up with them, all kinds of genres.
Starting with Artcore / D'n'B, it changes to Future Bass, DrumStep / 200Step, Glitch Hop, Psytrance, Hardstyle and Hardcore, so-called “Full Flavored” style songs!
And this time, I tried using YouTube Premiere again.
It is a little long, but I hope you can enjoy it!
See you in the future.
Thank you!
Nacreous Snowmelt
Made by かめりあ / Camellia
■ http://cametek.jp
■ https://twitter.com/cametek
■ https://discord.gg/xrzAse6
■ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRjVmUQ3CW1kH6vP1VGskWA
■ https://open.spotify.com/artist/4bwIf0yXJf0F9AmOl2J78M
■ https://itunes.apple.com/jp/artist/%E3%81%8B%E3%82%81%E3%82%8A%E3%81%82/566485174