You know I never actually finished 4/20 mode in Fnaf1......
The legendary TechRules vid:
here's Chimanruler15's awesome guide
BoxFig's awesome program sounds page:
and movement guides:
Key Hyperparameters for those interested:
type: PPO
Batch Size: 512
Buffer Size: 8192
Hidden Units: 512
Hidden Layers: 3
Time Horizon: 8192
total training time:
(it's complicated)
approx 5.48 hours
26,500,000 steps
then a second model initialised with the first that ran for
approx 3.04 hours
15,000,000 steps (but you haven't seen everything it accomplished with that training yet.... shhhhh no spoilers!)
1 - 368 - Dyalla
2 - AETHER - Density & Time
3 - TORSION - Density & Time
textures from:
PBR Material Bundle Vol1 - Cole
100+ PBR Materials Pack - Integrity Software & Games
AllSky - 220+ Sky / Skybox Set - RPGWHITELOCK
and some bad ones from me!
models from:
Low Poly Ultimate Pack - POLYPERFECT
Low Poly Disco Bar Pack - GOLS Consulting
Low Poly Office PAck - ChompyLunchbox