Has Eastman finally taken down the KING of all mahogany dreads - the D-18? Today we're doing a blind test with the Eastman E6D, E10D, and the classic Martin D-18 to help you decide which you prefer!
All of these instruments are incredible and really we believe it comes down to the tone - who do you think wins this battle?
00:00 - Intro
01:58 - Spec Differences
03:22 - "Just Buy A Martin"
04:18 - Are All Martins Good?
05:25 - Bourgeois Influencing Eastman
06:18 - The Price Difference
07:10 - Blind Test
08:30 - Our Tone Evaluations
10:45 - Which Is Best?
12:24 - The Reveal
Watch a full performance of "Fare Thee Well" here: https://youtu.be/JpGlb-gEcH8
We use the Ear Trumpet Labs "Edwina" Model Microphones. Thank you Ear Trumpet Labs!
Thank you for watching!
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#martind18 #martinguitars #martinvseastman #eastmane10d #eastmanguitars Eastman vs martin mahogany comparison blind