Today I am attempting to fix another AR55 f2p Genshin account, but this one is in a VERY different state than the previous one. Maybe that's a good thing though?
Here is the google form if you want a chance for me to fix your account:
(this is not a queue, if you want help I recommend joining any number of communities that are filled with people that have the knowledge to give you guidance, it is not physically possible for me to fix every person's account)
Join our Discord server!
00:00 overview of Oniibun's account
02:37 planning and account exploration
07:36 team options discussion
11:48 farming farming farming day 1
24:36 farming farming farming day 2
34:51 testing how things be in abyss
39:59 Did I fix this account?
#fixmyviewers #genshin #genshinimpact #hoyocreators