In this video, the Sayyid seeks to establish the historicity of the Imami hadith corpus, arguing that it was not a fabricated collection by later compilers but a genuine body of transmitted reports. By demonstrating the organic development of this corpus—through its overlap with Sunni narrations, internal coherence despite varied chains, consistency with external records, and alignment with recently discovered texts—he shows that these narrations reflect real historical transmissions. Since the corpus itself is authentic, one can assess whether tawātur (mass-transmission) is present by evaluating the number of reports and chains, rather than dismissing it as a later fabrication.
00:00 The Question
02:31 When is a Corpus-Related Issue Relevant?
10:04 The Goal of the Study
12:03 The First Proof: The correspondence of the Imāmī corpus with some of what Ahl al-Sunnah mentioned
30:34 The Second Proof: The interconnection of Imāmī narrations with each other despite differences in chains of transmission
31:06 The Third Proof: The alignment of the Rijālī minutiae mentioned by Shiʿa scholars with the chains of Shiʿi narrations
38:04 The Fourth Proof: The correspondence of what is found in the Fihrist works with what is found in works of hadith
46:59 The Fifth Proof: The correspondence of chains of transmission between different books
53:08 The Sixth Proof: The correspondence of hadiths with books that have recently been discovered
55:42 The Seventh Proof: The correspondence of hadiths with the scholarly environment contemporary to the text
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