rhomanW Community: https://discord.gg/3VbK5dxEAj
🛑Actual Description
Bro moon actually isn't funny man, I wait 15 ROUNDS for Tunnel 6 and nothing. Anyway I hope you enjoyed the video!
In this video I played COD BO1 also known as Call of Duty: Black Ops 1 AKA Call of Duty: Black Ops. I played maps like Ascension, Call of The Dead, Call of The Dead BO3, Shangri-La and Moon. Kinda like the 1 in the chamber challenge but in COD Zombies of the 100 rounds kinda like the 100 days challenge there is a random MODIFIER. This is kinda like a challenge video but also a gaming video. Idk how to fit 800 tags into a description but I'm trying so cut me a break here. But anyway, we got different challenges whilst playing this custom made mod for zombies kinda like MrTLexify. BOIII and Activision Cease and Desist.
#activision #ceaseanddesist #bo1