Plants Vs. Zombies has seen it's fair share of challenge videos with the like of "NUTS ONLY CHALLENGE" or "BEANS ONLY CHALLENGE", however, would the game be possible to beat by only using Garden Warfare Plants?
Second Channel: @MoreBrando
Credits to the models I used in this video:
Plants vs. Zombies is a video game franchise developed by PopCap Games, a subsidiary of Electronic Arts. The series follows the affiliates of David "Crazy Dave" Blazing as they use his plants to defend against a zombie invasion, led by Dr. Edgar George Zomboss.
Today we attempt to Beat Plants Vs. Zombies 2 With ONLY Garden Warfare Plants which is a similar challenge to other recent videos such as Shagrots Cave PvZ Video about beating Plants Vs. Zombies WITH ONLY NUTS, however in my PvZ Challenge I can ONLY use Plants like Peashooter, Sunflower, Cactus, Chomper and many other Garden Warfare Plants.