Should you do HBOT every day? Watch this video to find out!
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We often see comments & questions about doing HBOT every day, or even sleeping in the chamber.
But just because Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is a great tool doesn’t mean more is always better.
Is it possible to overdo HBOT sessions?
In this video we’ll discuss two aspects of this conversation: The safety and the effectiveness of doing HBOT every day.
And in this discussion, safety really isn’t a huge concern.
If you’re doing HBOT at a clinic, and that clinic is trained and trustworthy, it’s very unlikely that they’ll allow you to do too much HBOT from a safety perspective (avoiding oxygen toxicity).
If you have a soft chamber and do HBOT on your own, it’s also very unlikely that you’ll do too much HBOT from a safety perspective. At such low pressures, it’s almost impossible to reach oxygen toxicity levels.
So a lot of this discussion is centered around the effectiveness of doing HBOT every day.
Is it effective? Or is there a better strategy?
Watch the video and find out.
You can get certified in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy! We've created a one-of-a-kind course for functional medicine practitioners and technicians that's accredited through IBUM.
Head over to to find more info about upcoming sessions.
We also have other trainings available over at
✨To inquire about Hyperbaric Chamber Purchases and Rentals:
To learn more, visit our websites below:
📖Dr. Jason Sonner’s Book
📖Dr. Jason and Melissa Sonners' E-Books
💻HBOT USA Website :
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