For this recipe that I have shown you here I used approximately 12 pound of roma tomatoes, which are the best in my opinion because they have more flesh and less seeds and water.
I ran the tomatoes through the Fruit and Vegetable Strainer attachment for my Kitchen-Aid Mixer and as you can see it worked really well. Do run the seeds and skins through a second time because you get a lot more sauce from them on the second round.
Once I had all the pulp of the tomatoes done I put the tomato sauce into a large pot on the stove and brought it to a boil and then turned it down so that it didn’t scorch. Just keep it at the simmer and keep it in your mind to stir it because it will stick if you don’t and then you will loose the whole batch. Once it is reduced by about half you are ready to put it into clean sterilized jars that have had basil added to them as well as a tablespoon of lemon juice to make sure the acidity is correct. Ladle the sauce into the jars, de-bubble the jars, wipe the rims, set the seals, put on the rings.
I put the jars into a water bath canner and boil for 40 minutes.
This sauce is the base for almost everything else you might use tomato sauce for but without the added spices, which gives you more flexibility.
I have been using Forjars lids for a while now and find them to be extremely reliable. If you are interested in giving them a try, go to their website and use the
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Drinking Coffee and Reading Book Concept. Stock Videos by Vecteezy
Music Credit: Green Green Garden by Chris Haugen
Our Silver Moments in no way provides any warranty, express or implied, towards the content of recipes in this website. Not all of the recipes shared here will have been approved by the agency responsible for food safety in the country you reside in. It is the reader’s responsibility to determine the value and quality of any recipe or instructions provided for food presentation and to determine the nutritional value, if any, and safety of the presentation instructions.
The recipes are intended for entertainment and/or information purposes and for use by person having appropriate technical skill, at their own discretion and risk.
I make no warranties for the outcome of your food experiments.
Colleen Palumbo
#25 – 1410 11th Ave North
Golden, BC Canada
V0A 1H2
All video and photographic rights belong to Colleen Palumbo unless otherwise stated.