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新會司前隱世農家菜!傳統味道!招牌焗雞!芋仔薯葉!鹽水牛腩!美食推薦!旅遊攻略!交通路線!食在大灣區!台山老城區實況!本地人最愛!看似平凡!吃下去滿口古滋味!必食推介!Canton Food Tour

Hunting Archer 24,812 7 months ago
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成為此頻道的會員即可獲得以下福利: #新會 #美食 #台山 餐廳名稱:馬涌方海魚檔 餐廳地址:新會司前太平村 GOOGLE MAP: 餐廳消費:招牌焗雞 ¥75,芋仔薯葉 ¥25,鹽水牛腩 ¥55 ———————————— 司前鎮是廣東省江門市新會區下轄的一個鎮。位於新會區西端,總面積88.77平方公里,人口6.5484萬人。港澳台華僑鄉親4.8萬。 司前位於珠江三角洲西部,位於新會區的西部,東為大澤鎮,西接開平市水口鎮,北接鶴山市共和鎮與址山鎮,南隔潭江與羅坑鎮相望。 唐元和年間(806年—820年)此地已有居民居住,明、清時為牛肚灣司駐地,因在司衙前建墟,故名司前。 清朝時,司前分屬石碑都、遵名都和得行都。民國時,屬第五區。 1955年設立區公所,改名為司前區。 1958年改為人民公社,1984年恢復為司前區,1986年改為鎮至今。 司前氣候溫和濕潤,夏熱冬溫,少霜無雪,年平均氣溫約22攝士度,年降水量約2,000毫米,春夏及秋初雨水較集中。夏秋易受颱風襲擊,但因離海邊有一段距離(約50公里),颱風災害沒有海邊地區那麼嚴重。 司前是新會經濟強鎮,人均收入多年居新會區第二(僅次於縣市會城鎮)。民營企業蓬勃發展,以製造業為主,尤其以不銹鋼產業比較有名,鎮上的不銹鋼製品、產品遠銷國內外,享有″不銹鋼製品之鄉″的美譽,為廣東省的五金不銹鋼專業鎮技術創新試點。 2002年被定為廣東省270個中心鎮之一,2005年初,更成為首批118個全國發展改革試點小城鎮之一。在河村工業區內有聞名的廣東天健實業集團有限公司,該公司是全國最大的鋼家具出口基地之一,被國家工商總局評為中國私營企業500強,位列第32位。 司前鎮有著非常獨特的語言:司前話。司前話應歸屬於粵語中的四邑方言片,然而相比起四邑方言不同分支的差異,她與鄰近地區的四邑話差異很大,與粵語標準音廣州話的差異則更加大。以廣州話、四邑話為母語的人難以聽懂司前話,而司前人卻能聽懂甚至會講廣州話、四邑話。隨著與週邊地區,尤其是廣佛地區經濟文化交往加深,司前話受廣州話影響較大,主要表現在詞彙方面,現時老一輩司前人與年輕人講的司前話在語音、詞彙上均已有差異。但大體上,司前話仍保持著一些特有的詞彙。 另外,在三益鄉一帶的司前話與其他地區的司前話相比,其口音比較接近會城話。 ———————————— Siqian Town is a town under the jurisdiction of Xinhui District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province. Located at the western end of Xinhui District, it has a total area of ​​88.77 square kilometers and a population of 65,484. There are 48,000 overseas Chinese from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Siqian is located in the western part of the Pearl River Delta and the western part of Xinhui District. It is bordered by Daze Town to the east, Shuikou Town of Kaiping City to the west, Gonghe Town and Zhishan Town of Heshan City to the north, and Luokeng Town across the Tanjiang River to the south. During the Yuanhe period of the Tang Dynasty (806-820), there were already residents living here. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was the seat of Niuduwan Si. Because a market was built in front of the Si Ya, it was named Siqian. During the Qing Dynasty, Siqian was divided into Shibeidu, Zunmingdu and Dexingdu. During the Republic of China, it belonged to the fifth district. In 1955, the district office was established and renamed Siqian District. In 1958, it was changed to a people's commune, and in 1984 it was restored to Siqian District. In 1986, it was changed to a town until now. Siqian has a mild and humid climate, with hot summers and mild winters, little frost and no snow. The annual average temperature is about 22 degrees Celsius, and the annual precipitation is about 2,000 mm. Rainfall is concentrated in spring, summer and early autumn. It is vulnerable to typhoons in summer and autumn, but because it is a distance from the seaside (about 50 kilometers), typhoon disasters are not as serious as those in coastal areas. Siqian is a strong economic town in Xinhui, and its per capita income has ranked second in Xinhui District for many years (second only to Huicheng Town, the county seat). Private enterprises are booming, mainly in the manufacturing industry, especially the stainless steel industry. The stainless steel products and products in the town are sold far and wide at home and abroad, enjoying the reputation of "the hometown of stainless steel products". It is a pilot for technical innovation of hardware and stainless steel professional towns in Guangdong Province. In 2002, it was designated as one of the 270 central towns in Guangdong Province. In early 2005, it became one of the first 118 national development and reform pilot towns. In the Hecun Industrial Zone, there is the well-known Guangdong Tianjian Industrial Group Co., Ltd., which is one of the largest steel furniture export bases in the country. It was rated as one of the top 500 private enterprises in China by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, ranking 32nd. ———————————— 更多精彩影片推薦: ★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★ ★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★ ★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★ ★中山最隱世漁村食海鮮★ ★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★ —————————————————— Chapters: 00:00 Intro 01:07 台城老城區實況/市場邊的早餐美食/腸粉是廣東人的最愛 11:27 當地最大市場/新寧市場買菜 23:11 台城空中視角/航拍鏡頭 27:11 台城騎樓街 32:29 開車前往新會司前/隱世農家菜餐廳/馬涌方海魚檔 33:52 讀餐牌時間/交通路線 36:57 招牌焗雞/芋仔薯葉 /鹽水牛腩 46:19 Ending —————————— #广州美食 粤语 #food tour #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #chinese food #chinese food recipes #新会 #美食 #台山 #司前 #招牌焗雞 #芋仔薯葉 #鹽水牛腩 #古早味 #chinese food tour #chinese food vlog #food reviews #food tourism #food tour china #food tour vlog #vlog china #china tour vlog #china tourist
