[CHH S08 E05] - What’s In Store For Women Under Trump?
In this week's episode of Capitalism Hits Home, Dr. Fraad delves into the striking parallels between the Trump administration's strategies and the tactics outlined in the Nazi playbook. The podcast also examines actionable ways to counter and halt this dangerous agenda.
Capitalism Hits Home with Dr. Harriet Fraad (CHH) is a @democracyatwrk production. The show addresses the intersection of capitalism, class, and personal lives, and explores what is happening in the economic realm and its impact on our individual and social psychology. Learn more about CHH: https://www.democracyatwork.info/capitalismhitshome
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2021 Hardcover edition of “Understanding Marxism,” with a new, lengthy introduction by Richard Wolff is available at https://www.lulu.com/en/us/shop/richard-d-wolff/understanding-marxism/hardcover/product-7zr2y4.html?page=1&pageSize=4
“Marxism always was the critical shadow of capitalism. Their interactions changed them both. Now Marxism is once again stepping into the light as capitalism shakes from its own excesses and confronts decline.”
Check out all of d@w’s books: "The Sickness is the System," "Understanding Socialism," by Richard D. Wolff, and “Stuck Nation” by Bob Hennelly http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/democracyatwork
Dr. Harriet Fraad's Recommended Reading list: https://bookshop.org/lists/dr-harriet-fraad-recommended-reading-capitalism-hits-home
Buying books at bookshop.org supports the authors, independent bookstores and Democracy at Work!