0:00 - Kevin in Videoland
22:44 - How's Bayou
45:29 - The Most Dangerous Game Master
1:08:14 - Videolympics
1:31:27 - Mega Trouble in Megaland
1:54:12 - Wishful Thinking
2:17:24 - Three Men and a Dragon
2:40:09 - Mr and Mrs Mother Brain
3:02:54 - Nightmare on Mother Brain's Street
3:25:39 - Simon the Ape-Man
3:49:20 - In Search of the King
4:12:04 - Metroid Sweet Metroid
4:34:49 - Happy Birthday, Megaman
4:58:02 - Gameboy
5:18:55 - Queen of the Apes
5:38:25 - Quest for the Potion of Power
5:59:47 - The Trouble with Tetris
6:21:36 - The Big Game
6:43:25 - The Lost City of Kongoland
7:04:46 - Once Upon a Time Machine
7:26:35 - The Feud of Faxanadu
7:48:24 - Having a Ball
8:09:46 - The Trojan Dragon
8:31:35 - I Wish I Was a Wombatman
8:52:56 - The Invasion of the Paper Pedalers
9:14:45 - Germ Wars
9:36:35 - When Mother Brain Rules
9:57:00 - Pursuit of the Magic Hoop
10:07:41 - Misadventures in Robin Hood Woods
10:18:21 - Return to Castlevania
10:28:06 - Totally Tetrisized
10:39:15 - Battle of the Baseball Know-It-Alls
10:49:56 - The Fractured Fantasy of Captain N
11:00:08 - A Tale of Two Dogs