If your car door won’t stay open or if your car door swings open too fast then watch our video to find out what causes a car door to not stay open. In this video, we show you how to repair a door that won’t stay open.
This is a common problem as vehicles get older and, in this case, it is an easy fix without having to remove the door panel. This procedure will work for other make and model vehicles so do a quick check to see if this will work for your vehicle too!
The part that holds your car door open is called a Door check, door strap or door stop. It’s an easy part to obtain from your dealership parts department for those that want original parts. For those that want a less expensive alternative, checkout online or on sites like https://rockauto.com for a selection of aftermarket parts from different manufacturers. We’ve used may parts from Rock Auto and would recommend getting parts from them when trying to save some money.
Note that we did not apply any grease to the door check after the repair. You can add a little white lithium grease to the door check to help it glide better and not wear down as fast.
Click & skip to the chapter to watch:
00:00 - Intro
00:56 - Safety
01:14 - Access to Door Check
02:51 - Removing the Door Check
04:02 - Installing New Door Check
05:32 - Re-install speaker and cover
#cardiy #DIY #carenthusiast #carlifestyle
Repair performed on 2006 Mitsubishi Outlander
Genuine Rear door check Part #: 5702A076
Genuine Front door check Part #: 5702A075
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Nico Staf - Friendly Dance
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