We’ve put together two carving kits, perfect for carving projects like spoons, spatulas, bowls, kuksas, figurines and larger craft projects like paddles, axe handles and more. The Fundamental kit includes a 3" Sloyd and Big Pick carving knives, 2 standard crook knives, and a deluxe tool roll. The Complete kit upgrades the 3" Sloyd with a contoured handle and adds 2 hybrid crook knives, a 3" Mocotaugan, and an antler engraver. Both kits come in multiple colors. Check our website for more details, and stay tuned for upcoming carving videos where we’ll put these sets to the test!
Carving Kit - Fundamental: https://benandloisorford.com/collections/available/products/carving-kit-fundamental
Carving Kit - Complete: https://benandloisorford.com/collections/available/products/complete-carving-kit-complete