#Cassiopeia Carry played by "윤마치@KR2", KR Grandmaster 986 LP
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Match detail:
- Queue: Ranked Solo/Duo
- Skin: Eternum Cassiopeia
- Primary Rune: Conqueror
00:00 Ban & Pick
00:15 Runes & Abilities
01:37 Gameplay
07:18 Get a Double Kill
07:52 Gameplay
12:36 Team FIGHT
13:04 Gameplay
14:50 Take down The Turret
15:18 Gameplay
16:53 Team FIGHT
17:34 Take down The Turret
18:01 Gameplay
19:49 Team FIGHT
20:25 Gameplay
21:18 Team FIGHT
21:46 Gameplay
22:17 Team FIGHT
22:42 Get a Double Kill
23:09 Gameplay
25:42 Team FIGHT
26:17 Gameplay
26:55 Team FIGHT
27:18 Take down The Turret
27:29 Get a Double Kill
27:44 Take down The Inhibitor
27:50 Take down The Turret
28:01 End credit
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