Welcome Back outlaws to part two of two in this episode we temper and cure the crucible and do our first melt. I’m really pleased with the way this little furnace performed. I hope this helps anybody that is researching these furnaces and that the information is useful. This is my first time using this furnace and for me, there is a learning curve in finding out how this furnace operates. I’m happy with the results and hope you find this video entertaining. If you like this video, please consider subscribing to the channel and once again thanks for watching 😎
Amazon links:
Graphite ingot molds https://amzn.to/3TQA9gl
Gloves https://amzn.to/4cjeHHUf
Face shield https://amzn.to/3vnwcGc
Skull mold https://amzn.to/4ad55Nz
Ingot molds https://amzn.to/4com14U
Borax https://amzn.to/3IJh9Kk
Cross mold https://amzn.to/3PpSuxU