Today we're looking at the first Castlevania Lords of Shadow. This was a series reboot made by mercury steam that, aside from a few hiccups, went over really well with existing fans and attracted a lot of new players to the franchise. While the game didn’t have it’s most iconic villain Dracula at the root of all the evil in the world it presented 3 new powerful dark lords for our new hero to deal with.
Mercurysteam worked hard to create a dark and interesting fantasy world and a very interesting hero in Gabriel Belmont. Our adventure sees us fighting werewolves, vampires and necromancers and even coming face to face with something much much worse at the end. While the game hasn’t exactly aged as well as some, it’s still an absolute blast to play today and an iconic action adventure game of the PS3 era. So today, let’s talk about why its such a stand out game.
#castlevania #castlevanialordsofshadow
—------------------------------ links—-----------------------------------------------
Blade of Darkness (2001) | Kebab Sword Training Program
Jose Luis Vaello Bertol
—----------------------- Chapters—--------------------------------------------
00:00 Start
02:23 History
07:59 Development
10:36 Starting At The End (the big twist)
13:05 Setup
18:51 Exploring the land of the lycans
23:34 Gameplay
39:58 Black knights and titans
47:50 Vampires and Necromancers
52:15 One Twist too many
59:06 The DLC
01:05:30 Conclusion
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