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☞ Buy stuff that I use
⛵️Sungod Sunglasses https://www.sungod.co/s/eR4VYYu3/
⛵️Telemetry Overlay use code JOYRIDERTV for a sweet discount https://bit.ly/telemetryoverlay
⛵️Get perfect audio (waterproof) with Instamic https://instamic.io/?aff=119
⛵️If you want shoes like mine https://xeroshoes.com/go/joyridertv
⛵️USA or Canada and need boat parts https://www.murrays.com/joyrider/
⛵️The best tiller extension https://www.malcheskicomposites.com/shop-tiller-extensions
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Joyrider TV is one of the best channels on YouTube for catamaran sailing tutorials, maintenance, Q+As and great small cat sailing content.
Whether you sail a Hobie, Nacra, Aclass, acat, Prindle, Hurricane, Dart, Windrush, Tornado, Unicorn, F18, F16, Supercat, Thundercat, Dragoon or even a Minicat, you'll find something here to help you. Here we go over the technique for improving tacking on any type of catamaran.
It's all about the mainsheet!
You don't need to go into the tack with speed as long as you do the right thing with the mainsheet.
Sheet in hard before the tack
turn into the wind
when head to wind release the mainsheet - the more that you ease the more likely you are to succeed.
move across the boat, sit down look forwards
jib across and re trim main as you start sailing forwards again.
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⛵️Getting a T-shirt or Hoodie: https://totaljoyrider.com
⛵️Sungod Sunglasses: https://www.sungod.co/s/eR4VYYu3/
⛵️For Telemetry Overlay use the code JOYRIDERTV for a sweet discount
⛵️The best waterproof microphone for perfect audio is Instamic :
⛵️If you want shoes like mine: https://xeroshoes.com/go/joyridertv
⛵️If you're in the USA or Canada and need boat parts, the best supplier:
murrays.com/joyrider - if you use the code: joyrider - you'll get a free t-shirt!
⛵️The best tiller extension: https://www.malcheskicomposites.com/shop-tiller-extensions
⛵️for the full list of sailing instructional videos: https://www.patreon.com/posts/58891366
⛵️Discord https://discord.gg/yNAV54uWc2
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