Catching a honey bee swarm is always a very exciting thing. The swarm is a natural behavior for bees to reproduce. Most of the time the swarm happens when the old beehive becomes overcrowded. When the bees run out of space, they decide to start a swarm, they raise new queens, and about two weeks later, some of the bees, with one of the queens, take a flight to a new location to start a new colony. The bees that participate in the swarm are very friendly, they are in a very happy, excited mood. Its like us moving to a new house from an old overcrowded space.
By catching the swarm we provide them with a new spacious hive, and basically we try to divert them from starting a hive somewhere else like a tree, or someone's attic.
Most of the time we succeed and the bees love their new home.
Location: Southern California
Music: English Country Garden by Aaron Kenny