00:01:32 - Setting the Scene for 'Masculine' and 'Feminine'
00:04:49 - The Meaning and Purpose of Men and Women
00:07:55 - 'Telos': Our Ultimate End Made Manifest in Created Matter and Form
00:10:25 - Cooperation with the Telos Necessary to Fulfil our Created Purpose
00:14:00 - Womanhood Needs Manhood to Give it Form
00:19:10 - Identity and the Union of the Active and Passive
00:20:22 - Giving-and-receiving Self-Sacrifice at the Centre of Incarnation
00:22:52 - The Union of Male and Female as Symbolic of a Greater Reality
00:25:50 - The Virgin Mary, Receptivity and the Feminine Spirit
00:31:11 - The Distortion of the Male and Female Telos
00:35:58 - A Rightly Ordered Woman: Transmitting Femininity through Courageous Example
00:43:16 - A Rightly Ordered Man: Steadfast Self-Sacrifice and Protection of a Woman's Dignity
00:48:00 - Conclusion