Anger is a very focusing and energizing feeling, and it has its purposes - for example, it could save our life as the fight part of our natural survival mechanism.
And while anger can be a real buzz, there are tips we can share with our anger management clients who are looking for extra help controlling their anger, and I'll share a few of them in this video.
I also talk more about CBT and on whether our thoughts comes before our feelings, and why this is important when dealing with anger. I'll also give you 3 CBT techniques for anger management clients.
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I mention a breathing exercise in this video, and I have an audio session you can use to learn the exact technique to relax any time, anywhere:
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++About Mark Tyrrell++
Psychology is my passion. I've been a psychotherapist trainer since 1998, specializing in brief, solution focused approaches. I now teach practitioners all over the world via our online courses.
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00:00 Introduction to CBT techniques for anger management
00:18 Mark Twain on anger
01:28 What comes first: thought or feeling?
03:12 What anger makes us do
04:08 Anger is seductive
05:40 The dangers of anger
06:42 First deal with the feeling
08:15 The emotional blueprint exchange
10:35 Technique 1: Remove the anger from the core identity
12:11 Technique 2: Identify your angry client's needs
14:08 Technique 3: Help them stop thinking like a tyrant