i really only like the visuals here, the chart itself is kinda shit.
also have a disabled notes chart cause if i had them enabled, the game would very quickly freeze at the first spam section, and i wanted you to see the visuals.
song by @Nully34rNoFake
Sprites by shadowhyper
bopping UI modchart from strident crisis (v1)
charted in JS engine
chart info:
speed: 8
bpm: 522
total notes: idk
have scripts: yes
have events: yes
download: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XybyDIQyW7AtRfK8EAtMV6Ngh4hKY2xN?usp=sharing
chart suggestions form: https://forms.gle/AReiFg7wz92Thaz47
#daveandbambi #bambi #bambifnf #bambispurgatory #dave #expunged #fnf #fridaynightfunkin #stridentcrisis #vsdaveandbambi