Celeste is a beautifully and brutally difficult platformer that uses superb level design to engross players in an all-too-familiar story of triumphing over frustrations and self-doubt. Join me in my analysis of each of this game's chapters, looking at how each of them helps Celeste reach new heights in the genre.
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/technovoid200
Discord: https://discord.gg/nm7dBuy
Video Segments:
00:00 Introduction
02:15 #9 - Golden Ridge
4:30 #8 - Mirror Temple
6:15 #7 - Celestial Resort
8:10 #6 - Core
10:30 #5 - Old Site
11:55 #4 - Forsaken City
13:55 #3 - Reflection
16:25 #2 - The Summit
20:25 #1 - Farewell