Kiko, a Miniature Pinscher, has become very aggressive and possessive since moving, to the point where his owners are scared of him. Rescue German Shepherd Spike is hostile toward strangers and the family cat, Tinkerbell, putting her life in danger. Sandy, an aggressive pit bull, has no social skills and can't be around other dogs. Australian Shepherd Snickers is incredibly possessive of his food, and his behavior has only gotten worse. Shadow, an Alaskan Malamute mix, becomes out of control on walks, barking and biting his owners.
Can Cesar help these aggressive dogs?
00:00 - Mini Pinscher Kiko
12:34 - Spike vs. Tinkerbell
26:46 - Sandy the Pit Bull
32:51 - Australian Shepherd Snickers
49:19 - Alaskan Malamute Shadow
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