— Regardless of the kind of pain you’re going through — emotional, physical, or mental — you'll be far better prepared to handle it if you focus on the potential benefits and the possible purposes of that pain. In this message, Pastor Rick Warren shares five ways you can use your pain for good in your life based on his own life experience.
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Watch other messages in the Rethinking Your Life series here:
(Saddleback Church) (Pain) (Suffering) (Rethinking Your Life) (Moving on from pain) (Dealing with pain) (Don't waste your pain) (Use your pain) (Resilience) (Pastor Rick Warren) (Rick Warren) (Why is there pain) (Perspective on pain) (Your life purpose) (Pain for good) (All things work together for good)(Greatest ministry from your deepest pain) (How does pain effect your life) (What does God say about pain) (How to overcome pain) (Get through suffering) (Why is there suffering) (Facing adversity) (Why is there adversity) (Rick Warren testimony)