Dr. Maureen O’Shaughnessy looks at educational change in a new light...with “both/and” polarity thinking. This change from an “either” innovative “or” traditional mindset is transformational. She shares the many ways she has been an educational change agent throughout her school leadership career. Then Maureen acknowledges that the either/or stance of most educators (herself included!) has limited the vast school changes our students need and deserve.
As the founder of her own micro-school, she lives her dream of a school built on a foundation of love and relationships, with student-driven passion and purpose learning. Seeking to grow this vision, Maureen has written a guidebook on creating micro-schools. This has led to teaching about educational change and leading a mastermind group for leaders of small schools. Her consulting includes constantly learning with and from her Education Evolution podcast guests and many voices in the EdActive Collective. Maureen envisions a world where schools fan the sparks of student creativity and empower youth to lead our world in a positive direction.
Dr. Maureen O’Shaughnessy looks at educational change in a new light...with “both/and” polarity thinking. This change from an “either” innovative “or” traditional mindset is transformational. She shares the many ways she has been an educational change agent throughout her school leadership career. Then Maureen acknowledges that the either/or stance of most educators (herself included!) has limited the vast school changes our students need and deserve. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx