When you hold a camera up to your eye and look through the lens to the person beyond, their vulnerabilities are exposed. Sue Bryce was once a high-school dropout and is now a successful portrait photographer and founder of The Sue Bryce Education Library. She shares her journey from overcoming a lens of shame to having one of self-worth. SUE BRYCE is a proud Kiwi, a professional photographer, an educator and speaker born and raised in New Zealand. Sue has lived in Los Angeles for 7 years. With 30 years of experience, Sue Bryce is one of the most recognizable photographers in the imaging industry. Her contemporary portrait style transcends past stereotypes and has changed the face of portrait photography and photography businesses internationally. Bryce created her own ground-breaking educational platform in 2014, in which she uses her signature techniques to mentor and empower thousands of photographers and businesses around the world. In 2015 Bryce was greatly honored to be chosen to represent Canon USA in the Explorers of Light program. Sue Bryce Education is an online education community for contemporary portraits connecting to photographers globally through live broadcasts, videos, in-person workshops, and The Portrait Masters annual boutique conference.
suebryceeducation.com, suebryceportrait.com, sbtv.com, theportraitmasters.com, IG: suebrycephotographer, FB: Sue Bryce Photographer This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx