The sermon has a beautiful sweet ending that touched the heart of the students!
"Do not leave here before you experience the love of God!" (24:19)
"You cannot love until you are loved by Jesus." (20:55)
"Become the love of God by experiencing the love of God." (25:00)
"I pray this message sits on you like an itchy sweater"
"It isn't about me or anyone else ... It is about HIM"
His prayer at the end: "Do new things among us ...".
This message triggered the Asbury revival.
Zach is the volunteer soccer coach who occasionally speaks at Asbury chapel services.
He shared at the chapel service that started the revival.
#asburyrevival #revival #asburyrevival2023 #asburyoutpouring #genz
I recorded this chapel service for scientific and research purposes.