UPDATE: The Meta Blog now offers free content which includes a group chat between the band members and a breakdown of what went into making this track. Check it out here! https://sonicgba.panmanmusic.com/free-content-posts/
Back with it again. Learnt a few new tricks that's getting me closer to Light Dash's ideal sound. Follow the band chats if you want to learn why there's a piano here even though no one plays it.
There's a story behind the beautiful artwork as well. Consider supporting me on Discord to gain access to the Meta Blog to learn more about it.
Album Artwork: Yassine S (https://www.fiverr.com/yassine_sey)
Character Designer: Sheyla Nogueira (https://www.fiverr.com/sheylanogueira)
Band Logo: SuperCalifra (https://www.fiverr.com/supercalifra923)
Join Us On Discord! https://discord.gg/7Cjt7z4tQe
If you want early access to new releases, free royalty-free music, or full access to the Meta Blog, consider supporting me through the Discord link above, Joining the channel as a YouTube backer or good old Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Panman527
Happen to be a game dev?
👉 Check out my website to commercially license music for your game! Subscribe to my site to get updated on future tracks (https://royaltyfree.panmanmusic.com)