Watch this Superhit Full Marathi Comedy Natak Full (Drama, Play) 2016 'Char Divas Premache चार दिवस प्रेमाचे' starring Prashant Damle, Arun Nalawade, Vina Jamkar, Savita Prabhune. Sit back & enjoy Superhit Marathi Nataks Hum To Tere Aashiq Hai - Mala Tumchi Pappi Dya - Jadoo Teri Nazar - Cast & Credits:- Cast: Prashant Damle, Arun Nalawade, Vina Jamkar, Savita Prabhune Director: Waman Kendre Music: Ashok Patki Story: Ratnakar Matkari Genre: Comedy Storyline:- Contrary to a belief that the four letter word "LOVE" lasts only for four days and the rest is just compromise, Char DivasPremache explores the true meaning of "love" through a series of relationships starting from a misunderstood childhood romance, followed by the fact that sometimes even provocation and jealousy can help you win a suitor at the same time also revealing that generation and communication gaps are normally the reason for heartbreaks and fallouts and successfully concludes the fact that true love lasts forever. For more updates and videos, log on and subscribe to Facebook : Twitter :