What's better than going to a Blackberry Smoke show? Getting on the tour bus! A huge thank you to Charlie Starr and the rest of the Blackberry Smoke team for letting us on their tour bus and talking about the band’s amazing legacy, writing process, Charlie’s signature Gibson Les Paul Junior, and of course the rest of the secrets to his tone.
Charlie Starr’s Signature Guitars might be sold out, but you can get yourself a Gibson Les Paul Junior just like Charlie at AMS:
Stream Blackberry Smoke’s music here:
Make sure to catch Blackberry Smoke on tour here:
And for all your gear needs head on over to AmericanMusical.com
#AmericanMusicalSupply #CharlieStarr #BlackberrySmoke #RockMusic #Interview #MusicianInterview #AMS #Rock #Country #CountryRock #Guitar #LesPaul #Gibson #GibsonLesPaul #LesPaulJunior #GibsonLesPaulJunior #GuitarAmps #GuitarAmplifier #BeRightHere #OneHorsetown #WaitingfortheThunder #GoodOneCominon #SleepingDogs #AintMuchLeftofMe #ComeGoWithUs #TheWhippoorwill #LittlePieceofDixie #LikeanArrow
Chapter Markers:
00:00 – Intro
1:01 – Gibson Signature Les Paul Junior
01:55 – Current Rig for Be Right Here
04:55 – 25 Years of Black Berry Smoke
06:37 – Building a Set List
07:48 – What Keeps the Fire Going?
09:56 – Hammer and Nail
11:30 – How Would You Describe Black Berry Smoke?
13:52 – Azalea
15:00 – Resonating with a Younger Audience
17:44 – Influences
19:53 – Simple is Hard
21:06 – Secrets to the Tone
32:24 – Outro