This is the official vlog/podcast/whatever you want to call it channel of @ModernClassic This time around, I'm going to respond to a few comments from my main channel - some good ones, some not so much - from my A/V system walkthrough video (watch it here: ) First, I recap my Pinnacle PN5+ speakers as someone helpfully suggested. Then, let's talk about speaker placement and speaker choice more generally - are we really using objective measurements to determine what sounds good to us?
Next I pivot to gaming and try to catch you guys up on some of the gaming stuff I've been interested in lately, including Switch 2 thoughts, Steam stuff and the Atari 7800+.
Finally, David Lynch died a week or two ago and I wanted to say a few words. His films have actually had a huge and measurable effect on my life, so I wanted to say something here about it since it doesn't really fit in with the main channel.
Here's a link to that Pinnacle PN5+ speaker review:
If you haven't seen my main channel and somehow stumbled in here first, please check it out! I cover both modern and retro tech that stands the test of time, including everything from audio and video to computers to video games and more. @ModernClassic