Why should AI be in classrooms? How do you integrate AI into a curriculum? AI tools for medical education, using AI in medical training and how AI can help you study.
Our guest is Marc Triola, MD, associate dean of education informatics and director of the Institute for Innovations in Medical Education at NYU Grossman School of Medicine. American Medical Association CXO Todd Unger hosts.
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📰 Read more about the potential of AI in education and the future of AI in medical field: https://www.ama-assn.org/education/changemeded-initiative/how-chatgpt-could-help-medical-students-learn-fast-track
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00:00 AMA Update for Feb. 23, 2024
00:53 How is artificial intelligence used in medical education?
01:18 NYU AI in medicine: Artificial intelligence NYU Grossman School of Medicine
01:56 DX Mentor: AI medical record review tools (Epic AI integration, Epic EHR AI)
02:27 PubMed GPT: Artificial Intelligence for medical literature search (PubMed AI tool, PubMed AI search)
03:24 AI tools in medical education: How do people study in medical school?
03:57 AI study tools: How to study effectively in medical school
05:03 How can AI be used as an educational tool?
05:25 ChatGPT in medical education
06:09 AI for career development: How to choose a medical specialty
06:45 Generative AI in medical education: Can AI replace doctors?
07:45 How will AI change medical education?
08:14 Future of artificial intelligence in education: AI in clinical education
08:59 Teaching AI to medical students: AI integration in education examples
10:18 Role of AI in education: How advanced will AI be in 10 years?
10:51 AMA Change MedEd (Accelerating Change in Medical Education, Change Med Ed)
11:21 Future of AI in education: How will AI change education?
12:23 AMA efforts on AI in healthcare, telehealth, and digital health innovation: https://bit.ly/AMARecoveryPlan_DigitalHealth
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