I've come to learn that even though everyone loves this sweet and relaxing game, they sure do like to argue about it! I asked y'all what your scalding hot opinions were, and while quite a few were lukewarm, there were some pretty unique opinions!
Intro - 0:00
0:30 - George is the best character
1:24 - The Community Center isn't worth it
2:34 - Alex is a better love interest as a man
3:41 - There should be more story
5:05 - There should be more fantasy
7:55 - Cheating is okay
8:33 - Lewis and Marnie should break up
9:31 - Marriage candidates should move away
11:12 - Penny is good
11:18 - Festivals are a waste of time
Here's the lofi Stardew Valley music I use a lot:
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