Here is the quicker version. I recently acquired a 2012 Chevy Equinox. It has a 2.4 liter engine which is notorious for its oil burning problems. This one has been going through about a quart every couple of hundred miles. This is caused by the low-tension piston rings that are used in these engines. The rings get gummed up very easily and allow oil past the piston and into the combustion chamber to be burned and go out the exhaust. They also don't have a PCV valve, but a metered hole that provides vacuum for the crankcase. This is of course cheaper for manufacturing but causes problems when the hole plugs. In this video, I will attempt to use Seafoam to clean up the pistons and rings and hopefully reduce the oil-burning problems. I will then try the method of drilling a hole in the intake for access to the PCV hole so I can clean it out. It was plugged, so it needed to be cleaned. This car was owned by the same woman who owned Buster, the van I made into a camper years ago. She sadly passed away recently and left me her car. #ChevyEquinox #OilBurningProblem #VehicleMaintenance #CarTroubleshooting #AutoRepair #EngineIssues #OilConsumption #CarMaintenanceTips #DIYCarRepair #ChevroletProblems