Before anyone says it, no THIS one isn't Old Man's Garage Bill's but it might be what he has in store for the future of HIS 1979 Monte Carlo! This one came to us from a new customer who needed some assistance getting his suspension properly set up, and we were happy to squeeze him into the schedule! While this IS a gorgeous example of a Chevy G Body, there's not a whole lot of the original running gear left in this machine. So custom alignment time it is!
Whenever you are doing a vehicle like this, where it's mostly a drag race alignment, or a mixed street and strip setup, or even a road race car, there are a lot of little bits and pieces that come together to get a suspension properly set up. Part of why it's hard to ever quote out a time and cost on something like this is you never REALLY know what you are getting into, what combination of parts they have, and what adjustments need to be made. Somewhere between 2 and 10 hours is typical!
Use this as a Advanced Alignments 101, or How To Do Drag Race Alignments for Beginners, or Bump Steer for Newbies, but realize that every single car that comes in and goes on the rack can be a completely different story. And 9/10 times there's at least one hidden surprise just waiting to jump up and bite ya!