#prepperpantry #shtf #prepping
Today we are sharing a new meal in a jar with a bonus…dinner AND dessert! Find printable recipe sheets here:
Chicken Shepherd’s Pie https://sites.google.com/wickedprepared.com/wickedprepared/chicken-shepherds-pie-miaj?authuser=0
Mixed Berry Cobbler
For Thrive Life sale alerts, text SALE to 207 762-7138
Helpful Video Links:
Mason jars: cheapest at Walmart
Canning funnel: https://amzn.to/3K2JTxJ
Measuring cups & spoons set: https://amzn.to/3ZBb3BF
Chopped chicken: https://wickedprepared.thrivelife.com/freeze-dried-chopped-chicken.html
Peas: https://wickedprepared.thrivelife.com/freeze-dried-green-peas.html
Corn: https://wickedprepared.thrivelife.com/freeze-dried-sweet-corn.html
Veloute: https://wickedprepared.thrivelife.com/veloute.html
Chopped onion: https://wickedprepared.thrivelife.com/freeze-dried-chopped-onions.html
Carrots: https://wickedprepared.thrivelife.com/carrot-dices.html
Asparagus: https://wickedprepared.thrivelife.com/asparagus.html
Oxygen absorbers: https://amzn.to/40CrfUC
Mashed potato: https://wickedprepared.thrivelife.com/mashed-potatoes.html
Sour cream powder: https://wickedprepared.thrivelife.com/sour-cream-powder.html
Butter Powder: https://wickedprepared.thrivelife.com/butter-powder.html
Chicken bouillon: https://amzn.to/3MrQ7Kz
Chives: https://motherearthproducts.com/products/dried-chives?variant=7993092571196&aff=277
Freeze-dried berries: https://wickedprepared.thrivelife.com/monthly-specials/april-specials.html
Pyrex baking dish: https://amzn.to/3U1LUi9
Cookie scoop: https://amzn.to/3lYuJBw
🌱 Our family chooses Thrive Life freeze dried foods because they're simply the best! No additives, no GMO's, just pure, nutritious, whole foods with impeccable quality control AND a 25 year shelf life! Check it out here:
Monthly Sale Items: https://wickedprepared.thrivelife.com/monthly-specials.html
Text SALE to 207 762-7138 for personalized sale alerts right on your phone!
Choose Delivery service to save 15% on every item and get free shipping over $99!
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Shop our Amazon Storefront: https://www.amazon.com/shop/wickedprepared
Channel Shopping Links and Discount Codes
Food Storage Sources:
Thrive Life-Freeze Dried, 25 year shelf life: https://wickedprepared.thrivelife.com
Azure Standard:
Mother Earth Products: https://www.motherearthproducts.com?aff=277 Use code wickedprepared for 10% off!
Grow your own food for survival:
Survival Garden: https://survivalgardenseeds.com/?ref=WICKED
Coupon Code: WICKED
True Leaf Market: https://www.pjatr.com/t/8-11415-264857-153185
Salty Acres seeds & plants: https://tidd.ly/3X1ojyF
Mylar bags & Oxygen absorbers for long term food storage: https://wallabygoods.com/?rfsn=6721851.88ec3b
Emergency antibiotic supply: http://jasemedical.com/wickedprepared
Home Freeze Dryers:
Harvest Right: https://affiliates.harvestright.com/1812.html
Stay Fresh: https://stayfreshfreezedry.com?sca_ref=2775129.2RLQ6OMJXU
Water Storage and filtration: https://shrsl.com/3kbov
Coupon Code: WICKED
Oupes: https://shrsl.com/3oroz
Use our code Prepared10 for 10% off sitewide! (except the brand new 2400)
Bluetti: https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=1745428&u=2821484&m=108816&urllink=&afftrack=
Dual Fuel Gas: https://amzn.to/3QA032L
PPE for Nuclear, Chemical, or Biological attack: https://alnk.to/cwNlY2C
EMP Shield-protect your home, vehicles, and generator: (Save $50 with this link)
Survival Gear:
Ruvi-whole food fruit and vegetable nutrition for SHTF and everyday!: https://www.goruvi.com/?ref=wickedprepared
Discount code: WICKEDPREPARED15
Our E-bike: $100 off with coupon code: Wicked Prepared -
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